Samsung Receives Prestigious Consumer Friendly Company Certificate From The Department Of Economic Development

Samsung Gulf Electronics today announced the results of a comprehensive business evaluation conducted by the Department of Economic Development (DED) and based on the GCC region’s first-of-its-kind Consumer-Friendly Standards assessment. Launched last year by the Commercial Compliance and Consumer Protection (CCCP) sector in Dubai Economy, a series of new standards were introduced as an integrated system to help traders upgrade their services to customer-oriented certified.
As an organization committed to maintaining sustainability and competitiveness excellence, Samsung submitted an online request to receive the prestigious Consumer Friendly Company (CFC) certificate from DED. Outstanding success in these areas has since been acknowledged. Samsung received a 90.46 percent pass rate and is now one of the top five performing organizations in the UAE.
Kiran Kumar Tewari, Head of Customer Service Group at Samsung Gulf Electronics, said: “We are proud to receive the CFC certificate from DED. Our enduring commercial success and the brilliant relationships we enjoy with our customers stems from our consumer-first approach. For Samsung, enriching people’s lives and contributing to societal prosperity means remaining competitive and driving sustainability. Today, we are even more inspired to continue meeting our objectives concerning these priorities.”
Samsung’s official recognition illustrates the brand’s dedication in driving actions to provide a customer experience that is unique, sustainable, and competitive. In terms of sustainability and competitiveness, Samsung scored 41/45 percent and 49.4/55 percent, respectively, culminating in the overall score mentioned above. Moving forward, the aim to elevate these standards even higher to benefit customers.
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