Bing is a search engine that finds and organizes the answers you need so you can make faster, more informed decisions.

Google is a search engine that finds and organizes the answers you need so you can make faster, more informed decisions.

Great, so what is the difference? Here are a few of my observations.

  1. Bing is new, while Google is old.

  2. Bing is fancy, while Google is basic.

  3. Bing is colorful, while Google is monochromatic.

  4. Bing is distracting, while Google is focused.

  5. Bing is celebrity like, while Google is businesslike.

  6. Bing shows you the world, while Google gives you the world.

  7. Bing displays more results for some searches, while Google displays them faster.

  8. Bing is single-tasking, while Google is multi-tasking.

  9. Bing is ‘as-is’, while Google is ‘customizable.

  10. Bing is vanilla, Google is with cherry on top.

  11. Bing is more local, while Google is more global.

  12. Bing is Microsoft, while Google is Google!

Binging or Googling, the decision is entirely yours. For me Bing has a better face, while Google has a better interface.

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