The top three finalists – Farah Hazim, Hooria Muhib and Zarshah Sharif, all from the  Herriot  Watt  University,  Dubai  Campus  –  will be mentored by  Chris  Barnes (Broadway Interiors), Kevin McLachlan (NOMAD|K) and Paul Bishop (Bishop Design) respectively for the final phase of the Colab Student Design Competition. The competition, which was launched earlier this year, attracted over 100 final year design undergraduates from 11 universities across the UAE.

“A key element to the competition was ensuring complete anonymity throughout the submission and judging process. All submissions were initially requested to be sent to Colab without reference to the University they attended and each entry was checked again by the Colab team before being shared with the judges,” said Richard Wilson, Creative Director, Colab.

With an impressive list of submissions to go through, the judges initially shortlisted 4 entries (3 from the Herriot Watt University, Dubai Campus and 1 from Zayed University). The students were invited to present their concepts in Colab and answer questions that the judges had. Due to the quality of the submissions, the judges then narrowed it down to 3 finalists, who were recognized at a small ceremony during Dubai Design Week with select members of the design community and suppliers in attendance.

According to the judges, it was very difficult for them to agree on a winner, particularly as all the shortlisted designs were creative, but not quite developed to the stage they needed to be for implementation into the space. With invaluable support and guidance from Broadway  Interiors,  Bishop  Design and NOMAD|K, the finalists will now aim to further develop and refine their design.

Commenting on this unexpected yet positive development, Chris Barnes, Owner and Founder of Broadway Interiors, said: “The practical application of design is such an important stepping stone for students to become a designer, so this competition helps to bridge that gap In their learning.  I  am  really  enjoying  the  mentoring  process,  it’s  great  to  work  with  the  students fresh, new ideas and I’m excited to see the final outcome and their developed designs!”

“Bringing together imagination and functionality, the ideas put forward by the students are a real testament to their talent as designers. I feel delighted to have been a witness to the innovative thinking displayed by each of the finalists and throughout the mentorship program. It definitely makes the final round all that more gripping… good luck to all!” added Paul Bishop, Bishop Design.

“I cannot express enough the importance that design students and graduates gain practical experience in the workplace; we regularly work with young designers with an open mind. It is so important that we have a two-way exchange in this process – enthusiasm, creativity for knowledge and wisdom. Young designers setting out in their chosen path learn very quickly about the pace and entirety of the work process, learn practicalities of materials and detailing and absorb so much more. These foundational steps more often form the attitude and ethos of the successful designers of the future. We find it rewarding to do our part to invest in this future of design,” said Kevin McLachlan, Founder, NOMAD|K.

The initial idea for the student design competition came from Chris Barnes. The competition will see the winners gain the opportunity to see their vision realized and exhibited within Colab for two years. Following a short and intense mentorship program with the judges, the finalists are due to present their final design concepts in the first week of December to Richard Wilson who will decide on the winner.

The competition called for students to develop a design concept for a full wall(s) or floor for implementation within Colab. Students were requested to submit their concepts (individually or as a group), which needed to be developed from a portfolio of product generously supplied by 2Tec2 Flooring, BSH Walls & Floors, Dukta, Finsa, FunderMax HPL, No Grey Area

International, Optimum Gulf, Shaw Contract, Sherwin-Williams, Surface Eleven, Topakustik and Wow Factor.

“The first edition of our student competition has been a great success. Not only has the response been overwhelmingly positive, but more importantly, the quality and diversity of entries has far exceeded our initial expectations. This would not have been possible without the support of the faculties, the suppliers and partners involved and our judges. I’m thankful to everyone that has contributed to make this competition a reality and I eagerly look forward to reviewing the final designs in the weeks to come,” concluded Wilson.

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