Nobu, the world-renowned Japanese restaurant at Atlantis, The Palm, will debut its highly-anticipated new Friday brunch from Friday 2nd March. ‘The World of Nobu’ brunch will bring together a selection of signature dishes from 10 Nobu restaurants around the world, to deliver a luxurious culinary experience every Friday from 12pm until 3pm. Prices are AED 395 including non-alcoholic beverages, AED 586 with alcoholic beverages and AED 650 with bubbles. In addition, three vegetarian brunch packages will be available starting from for AED 350.

Upon arrival, all guests will be presented with a ‘Nobu passport’, which will allow them to collect stamps for every visit in exchange for rewards such as a complimentary non-alcoholic brunch, bottle of bubbles and a book by internationally esteemed Chef, Nobu Matsuhisa.

Serving signature dishes from key Nobu hotspots, Nobu Malibu’s beachfront restaurant will present its hit dish egg toban with dry miso. From Nobu West Hollywood, diners can expect the famous black cod yuzu miso and the fashionable Nobu Milan will share the delectable grill salmon ponzu butter with crispy spinach burrata and tofu dry miso. There will be a dash of British flair arriving from London with Nobu’s take on a full-English and the Shoreditch Nobu’s short rib and egg.

To find out more about Nobu or make a reservation go to or call + 971 4 426 0800. Alternatively check us out on social media @nobudubai