Abu Dhabi, Nov 24th, 2009 – Khalifa University of Science,Technology and Research (KUSTAR) has announced that UAE has been elected to chair the Asian Network for Education in Nuclear Technology (ANENT) until its next meeting.

This announcement follows the conclusion of the National Coordinators meeting and Cyber Learning workshop, which was hosted by KUSTAR and held under the United Nation’s (UN) International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

KUSTAR hosted and organised the two initiatives as part of its strategy and commitment to web-based development, consolidation and utilisation of standardised educational and training programmes in nuclear sciences and applications.

Dr. Mohammed Al Mualla, KUSTAR ‘s Abu Dhabi Campus Manager commented: “We’re proud that the UAE was unanimously appointed to chair the Asian Network for Education in Nuclear Technology (ANENT) until its next meeting. It is important for industry experts to meet and discuss important aspects in developing nuclear education, as the region looks to strengthen the knowledge capabilities in this field.” Dr. Mawieh Oulabi, from IAEA’s Department of Technical Cooperation, added: “Having KUSTAR host these ANENT activities and the UAE government being elected to chair the network are both important steps for the government and is a testament to its contribution to the human resource development in the field of nuclear training and education.” KUSTAR has also taken a leading role in developing plans to strengthen the human resource capability of the UAE as it has partnered with the Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation and the Federal Authority for Nuclear Regulation to provide Emiratis with an opportunity to pursue a bachelor or master’s degree in nuclear engineering inside the UAE or abroad through the UAE Nuclear Energy Scholarship Program.

The IAEA Technical Cooperation Project RAS/0/047 – “Supporting Web-based Nuclear Education and Training through Regional Networking” was established for the Asia and the Pacific region with the objective of supporting the web-based development. ANENT has provided the nuclear energy learning and training material used in national and regional curriculum through its website

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