Under the patronage of UN Messenger of Peace and Chairperson of International Humanitarian City (IHC), HRH Princess Haya Bint Al Hussein, wife of HH Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, the IHC today announced the End Hunger: Walk the World initiative, in support of the World Food Program’™s (WFP) School Feeding Program.

Organized in collaboration with the UAE’™s Red Crescent, “Walk the World”™ urges UAE residents to join on a global walk against hunger on Friday, June 4th 2010 at 10am at The Dubai Mall (Star Atrium).

As declining economic growth pushes thousands of people further into poverty, the WFP, together with its major corporate partners TNT, Unilever and DSM, along with their supporters, the IHC, the UAE Red Crescent, and The Dubai Mall, encourage the people of the UAE to join thousands from countries around the world (one hour in each of the planet’™s time zones) to raise awareness and funds to feed poverty stricken children. In addition to the WFP’™s School Feeding Program, the funds raised will go towards education initiatives driven by the UAE Red Crescent.

“For as little as one dirham, WFP can give a cup of porridge, rice or beans to a child in school “ a small but highly effective investment in a healthy and productive future,” commented Makiya Al Hajiri, CEO of International Humanitarian City. “At the IHC, we are focused on supporting aid around the world, so we execute activities locally to support troubled areas. In keeping with our long-standing relationship with the WFP, it gives us great pleasure to support this initiative and hope that it drives us all to be more responsible world citizens.”

“Every six seconds a child dies because of hunger and related causes. Whether you would like to participate in an internal fundraiser or just join us the day of the walk, every little bit counts,” stated Mark Woodcock, Sales and Commercial Director at TNT Express (UAE). “We have just under a month to go before the big day, so we want to remind people that it is now in their hands. Sponsor, give a donation, or get your company to organize a corporate initiative for the good of others. If everyone could just spare one hour, imagine the difference that we would make. We want to see as many faces as possible. Without our money these feeding programs will stop immediately.”

Head of the UAE Red Crescent (Dubai branch), Mohammed Abdullah Alhaj Al Zarouni, said: “It is a great opportunity for the UAE and the Red Crescent to be involved in such a global fund raising initiative. We frequently collaborate with the WFP and hope that the funds raised through this initiative will see both the UN’™s School Feeding Program flourish alongside our own initiatives.”

“Walk the World”™ will give families, communities and businesses in Dubai a chance to get involved, to raise awareness and make a difference. Businesses and individuals are being urged to rally around this cause and bookmark June 4th 2010 in their diaries.

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