VERTECO, the region’s leading supplier of Water Saving Products, Smart Washroom Solutions and Data Driven Cleaning Technology, is to offer their award-winning Waterless Urinal technology free of charge for the next 3 months. The company has announced that in support of the UAE’s Year of Sustainability, commercial businesses across the UAE will be offered the waterless solution for free.

VERTECO’s Waterless Urinals eliminate the use of water completely when flushing, something which can account for as much as 42% of total water consumption in busy commercial spaces. The decision to offer the products free of charge coincides with the UAE’s Year of Sustainability, an initiative which aims to encourage environmental action through sustainable best practice across the nation.  As water shortage poses one of the key environmental challenges locally, the organisers are looking to promote projects that offer sustainable solutions for the long-term benefit of our natural landscape, a mission that resonates closely with the work that VERTEO do and the products they provide.

To date, over 40,000 of VERTECO’s urinals, recognised globally as the leading waterless urinal solution, have been installed in the UAE. By removing the flush mechanism – the single biggest consumer of water in public washrooms – customers can save up to an estimated 157,000 litres of water per year, per urinal. That equates to over 6 million cubic metres of water saved every year in the Emirates. Globally, VERTECO estimates that since its launch, the technology has saved their clients an estimated 750 million cubic metres of water, AED 9 billion and 14.7 million kilos of carbon.

David King, Managing Director of VERTECO, says, “As a company, we value sustainability above everything else. Our mission is to bring to market solutions that will have a direct and significant impact on our natural environment. We have been working in the UAE for 13 years now and applaud the nation’s ongoing commitment to protecting its beautiful landscape.”

King continued, “In particular, we are proud to see the emphasis that the Year of Sustainability has placed on educating all members of society. We all need to do our bit, and environmental issues such as water scarcity rely on collective action now. From government mandates on climate change, through to simple everyday changes we make at home, our efforts today will make a lasting difference for generations to come.”

As well as offering their Waterless Urinal solution, VERTECO announced earlier in the year that they would be providing free water-audits throughout 2023. The detailed audits are designed to help commercial properties review their current water consumption and offer accurate estimates on water reduction percentages and carbon savings. Both promotions demonstrate the company’s dedication to preserving the UAE’s precious water supply and support the Year of Sustainability’s commitment to collaborating with the providers of innovative solutions which address pressing environmental challenges.

The UAE’s Year of Sustainability will culminate with the UAE hosting the 28th Conference of the Parties (COP28) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) – a political, economic, scientific and social platform to assess the progress in climate action.

Terms and conditions apply: Free Waterless Urinals will be offered to customers taking out new annual maintenance contracts. Maintenance contracts cover monthly servicing and all consumable items. For more information, please contact the VERTECO team.

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