His Excellency Zaki Anwar Nusseibeh, Cultural Adviser to His Highness the President and Chancellor of the United Arab Emirates University described Expo 2020 Dubai as one of the world’s most important cultural, scientific, and economic events.

H.E. said that the dazzling opening ceremony demonstrated the UAE’s ability to organise and host an event of this kind. It brings together 192 countries in an atmosphere of tolerance and coexistence, and each create a pavilion in the character of their different cultures. “The Expo 2020 supports global economic recovery after the COVID-19 pandemic.  Its theme, ‘Connecting Minds and Creating the Future is an inspirational message to all countries and to young people. Dubai invites the world’s thinkers and creators to the UAE, to work with us in designing a better future for humanity”.

Explaining the opportunity for young people, His Excellency said, “There are three opportunities to take advantage of.  The first is the practical experience to be gained by participating in the ‘YouthConnect’ forum. The second is the chance to show the world the intellectual, creative abilities of young people.  The third is the avenue for an experience of world cultures and the open door to authentic Arab traditions, values, and arts”.

His Excellency was keen to point out that the Expo 2020 Dubai “is a wonderful opportunity for small and medium sized enterprises to demonstrate their creative value alongside established global companies”. He explained that cultural and creative industries are important to economic growth in the nation and across the world.  He underlined the important role young people play. “They have the energy to show leadership in integrating cultural and creative industries into the fabric of economic life in the UAE, to ensure their sustainable development”.

Noting the resilience of the sector under the COVID-19 pandemic, His Excellency pointed to its flexibility and ability to meet challenges and take advantage of new opportunities, such as digitalization.  It is for this reason that the Ministry of Culture and Youth has been directed by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai to prepare an integrated national strategy to develop the cultural and creative industries sector in the UAE.  The vision is to ensure that cultural and creative products become a major stream of economic revenues so that in ten years time the sector is one of the nation’s ten most important sources of GDP.

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