ZU Urban Satellite Space Hosts Mirco Illic’s Tolerance Project

Zayed University Urban Satellite Space, ZUUSS, has hosted Mirco Illic’s Tolerance Project, a traveling poster exhibition that was created by the New York-based graphic designer.
Featuring the work of 100 renowned graphic designers and illustrators from around the world, the exhibition, located at Hall 48 at the Dubai Alserkal Avenue till June 30th, offers an opportunity to see designed posters addressing the concept of tolerance.
“The initial idea of this exhibition was to invite well-known graphic designers to create posters based on their understanding of tolerance in their mother tongue. One of the conditions was that the exhibition is placed in public space, among the citizens, not in art galleries,” said Illic.
“The purpose of the exhibition is not only displaying posters but in gathering and approaching people. Artists are the ones who promote tolerance and peace, and facilitate the reconciliation process,” he added.
The exhibition reinforces Zayed University’s commitment to providing its students, in particular, and the community at large with opportunities to engage with some of the leading global names, such as Milton Glaser from the USA and Japan’s Yuko Shimizu, in the field of art and design.
“The beauty of this exhibition is that it touches the reality. Most of the paintings reflect preconceived ideas and ideologies that are common in most societies, showing the differences between people,” said Hiba Sultan, student at the ZU College Communication and Media Sciences. “Art connects people in a common mold that shows the importance of accepting our differences, and the need to intermingle to complete the process of peaceful living between individuals no matter how different we are from each other.”